Darginka and the kids
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All the goats are sold, thanks! Three month old kids: Four males (La Mancha/Saanan x Alpine) one female (La Mancha/Saanan x Alpine) – will be awesome milker one female Boar cross – super cute, the fawn coloured one Blacky: Alpine doe – awesome milker (2 years old). Had triplets this year (the three dark kids) …
This year we had ten baby goats. The first two were just sold and we have eight left! We are also selling the two yearling meat cross does. Let us know if you want one, or two, or three!!
Check out my new book! It’s a coffee table book filled with photographs of some beautiful and interesting horses. It’s not specifically about Akhal-Tekes but most of the photography is of the many Akhal-Tekes I’ve seen over the last few years. Dreaming in Gold by Kerri-Jo Stewart If you order today you can still get …
What a great spring it has been! Lots of sunshine now and green grass. We had two pretty doelings born here, Flopsy and Mopsy. We are milking the goats now and the kids like the fresh milk squirted right into their mouths. Rocky thinks he is a dog and Buddy and him are best friends. …
Emma rode Darginka (and Daniel for a bit) and Erin rode Pagoda during the Maple Ridge Christmas Parade with the Haney Horsemen. It was a great time but very cold!
Emma is on the Haney Seahorse Swim Team and is amazing! She went in her first swim meet and had a great time. The grandparents are the timers! Thanks!! Emma is also riding independently now! Daniel is all over the place and Emma calls him the “Maniac”! [photoxhibit=26]
Today was the pet blessing at the Church of the Holy Spirit: this bunny just had stillborn babies so Emma thought it was important to bring her to church! I think Daniel’s pet chicken is a cockerel but I think we will be keeping it anyways: Little Diva getting her blessing: and Akpai’s new owner …
Emma, mom and I went to Calgary to visit our cousins and to see the new foal. Mom made a new friend: [photoxhibit=21] and this is Dazyrdi: