Web Stuff
I have been working on various web stuff to publicize my photography and Akhal-Teke horses. Check them out and let me know what you think!
I love my new blog, Golden Dreams; Our Akhal-Tekes. There’s some pictures of Darginka there as well as lots of other Akhal-Tekes. It is becoming a good source of information about the breed.
I have also been working on some Squidoo Lenses. (A lens is a page about something specific you are interested in.) My first one is Akhal-Tekes, where I have some videos, pictures, links, basic information about the breed and even some Akhal-Teke stuff to buy. Then when it turned out quite difficult to find literature on the breed I put my search results into Books on Akhal-Teke Horses.
I am planning on breeding Darginka and there is some questioning over whether or not AI should be allowed, see Breeding Purebred Horses & Artificial Insemination. The debate really isn’t about the science, except as to where the line should be drawn with technology, but about economics.
I have also put some information up about Endurance Riding on Squidoo. I hope to use Darginka eventually to do some long distance riding. Some of my favourite times were with my Arabs and training in the Kananaskis.
Another lens is about my favourite children’s stories on Animals and Children; Favourite Stories. Black Beauty and Misty are two I remember very fondly and I am now telling to my children. Beautiful Joe was very memorable but I will not read that one to them! I will keep adding more about the stories to this lens.
The last one I have published is On-Line Shopping; horse stuff. There is stuff from numerous stores that I chose as well as some random E-Bay picks. Seeing all this on-line stuff gave me the idea of opening up my own shop.
So I have just started setting up a Cafe Press store, Photography by Kerri-Jo. I will add some great images over the next while. If you want a specific one let me know!
And we have enabled Kerri-Jo.com as a site where you can buy images directly from me. Let me know what you think of this site as I am afraid I made it too complicated for surfing. Now I’m off to take photographs!!